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Building a Better
Tomorrow, Together

2021 June 28

Heart of West Lakes Wellness Center Groundbreaking

Baker Barrios was honored to have our team attend the groundbreaking for Lift Orlando’s new wellness center located in the West Lakes neighborhood. We have worked diligently on this project that is located in our own backyard and serves our local community. This made the heartfelt and earnest groundbreaking ceremony all the more meaningful.

Years in the making, BBA has been a partner with Lift throughout the project providing building design, interiors, branding, and more. Seeing it all come together with the commencement of construction and the enthusiasm of the affiliated partners was a great milestone for the project.

The 30,000 square foot building will be a beacon for the community to gather and receive essential services. Financial assistance, community resources, and most importantly, health services will all be available at the center. The project represents an unprecedented partnership between Florida Blue, Orlando Health, and Advent Health, to provide much-needed care to an underserved neighborhood.

The groundbreaking also was the first reveal of the brand, the Heart at West Lakes Wellness Center, a collaboration between BBA’s design department, the Lift Communications Team, and the residents of West Lakes Naming Committee. Naturally, opening up the naming and design process to these vested parties felt like the best way to represent the people being served. The final product owes much to their input and efforts.

The ceremony was a feel-good event, seeing the returns of many efforts over the years to help an integral neighborhood in Orlando.