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Building a Better
Tomorrow, Together

2018 October 24

4 Design Trends to Watch for with Senior Living Facilities

As architecture continues to advance, the design of facilities such as senior citizen housing has evolved as well. When it comes to developing these facilities, architects are challenged to create something both visually appealing and adequately equipped for seniors.

At Baker Barrios Architects, we’re committed to developing innovative designs that influence the way people use space, especially spaces, like senior housing, that are both residential and communal. Here are a few key factors we keep in mind when designing facilities for seniors:

1) Aging in Place — More and more senior citizen housing facilities are changing from exclusively independent living or assisted living to mixed facilities. This diversification supports the needs for new facilities to appeal to a variety of needs and varying retirement ages. We have continued to support this trend with recent projects including Tuscan Isle Senior Living and Merrill Gardens at Solvita Marketplace.

2) An Increase in Technology — It’s 2018. More and more senior housing facilities are making the most of modern technology use. Some are utilizing software such as wearable GPS tracking devices for memory care patients so that the specialists working there can locate where a patient is. When designing these facilities, architects can consider simple tech such as digital signage and customizable communication boards can allow seniors to surround themselves with photos, weather forecasts and small touches that can keep their room feeling connected.

3) Creating a Positive Experience — While many retirees still enjoy bingo, senior housing facilities are focusing on creating positive experiences — including excursions to nearby attractions and parks and new, inventive activities. The next generation of retirees want to experience new things and to continue living fulfilling lives. Designers are working to meet those desires by creating spaces that have room for computer related courses or more entertainment options. The idea behind this is giving seniors the ability to not be limited to where they are at, which is something that all designers need to be aware of.

4) Pet Care Should Be Considered– Many senior citizens have four-legged companions. Some facilities have been seeing an uptick in requests for pet care and specified areas for pets to be cleaned and taken care of. Not all senior citizen housing facilities have it, but some high-end ones do. Some retirees don’t wish to part with their animals. To that end, some facilities are taking the proper steps to accommodate animals. When designing these facilities, it may be a good idea to keep this fact in mind.

Creative, innovative approaches to designing senior living facilities must be considered as new generations retire with new expectations and wants. Baker Barrios Architects are committed to developing innovative, high-quality architecture to meet those needs.