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Building a Better
Tomorrow, Together

2017 April 07

Wellness Week 2017

We dusted off those sweatbands, did some deep stretching and got our game faces on for Baker Barrios’s very first Wellness Week, during which, both Tampa and Orlando enjoyed a full work week of health and fitness fun. In part, we decided to start Wellness Week because we understand that our busy professional lives often take precedence over hitting the gym, catching that yoga class or preparing healthy meals. That being said, we also believe that a business is only as healthy as its team. Exercise is not only a valuable stress reducer, but has also been proven to improve work productivity. Through education, circuit training and massages (yes, massages), we’d like to think that Wellness Week was a sweat-and-smile-inducing success!

Below, you’ll find just a few of the activities that made up Wellness Week 2017, a few of which, you may want to incorporate into your own work week.

Working on Wellness: How We Celebrated Wellness Week 2017

  • Biometric Screening: Testing for important health vitals like total cholesterol, blood pressure and BMI.
  • Lunch and Learns: Educational brown-bag lunches on heart health, stress management and work/life balance.
  • Health-Conscious Potluck: Part potluck, part cooking contest, all delicious and nutritious. All dishes were displayed with serving size and nutritional information.
  • Encouraged Exercise: From an Orangetheory fitness class and an in-office yoga session to self-paced circuit training and scheduled walks, there were many options to help the team break a sweat.
  • Massages(!)

We had a blast promoting health and wellness within our team for this year’s Wellness Week. Without each and everyone one of our team members, Baker Barrios Architects would never see the success that we have; what better way to show appreciation for their hard work than ensuring that they’re taking care of their personal health, as well as they’ve taken care of our clients and company? Hopefully, we can all empower each other to keep health and happiness a priority all year long. Oh, and definitely make more time for massages.